On 11/14/2015 7:03 PM, Leyne, Sean wrote:
> Doesn't the need for a key server make the problem more complicated 
> that required? 

More complicated?  Certainly.  More complicated that required? Don't 
know yet.
> Although I think it should be supported, via engine/config. I was 
> referring to a more basic/straight-forward deployment. I have 
> experience using web portal from ADP for processing my payroll. In 
> order to access the portal, not only do I need user credentials but 
> also my PC needs to have a SSL cert installed on my PC (and that cert 
> needs to be installed on any PC that I want to access the portal 
> from). So, following this model, I see my user credentials as the same 
> as the typical FB database user credentials. And my user cert being 
> equivalent of the cert that would be assigned/linked to the database. Sean

Please correct me if I'm wrong (I stay as far as possible from 
certificates and any form of PKCS), but I believe that all a client 
certificate does is to demonstrate that an IP or range of IPs belong to 
who you say you are.  When you get down to essentials, that's basically 
the same technology that I'm suggesting for a key server, the only 
difference is the certificate says a trust third party vouches for me as 
opposed to the key server already knowing the IPs.  And, not 
incidentally,  the key server idea doesn't require the pain and expense 
of buy and maintaining certificates.

Maybe the problem isn't solvable, isn't worth solving, or any possible 
solutions are too weak to bother with.  But I can think of only two 
attacks on my schema: Cracking the key vault or successfully stealing 
the key server password AND masquerading as the database machine when 
the real guy is down.

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