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Is there a tool (or way) to debug database step by step.

Now we have weird situation where delete from one database fails, on
foreign key error, which sounds like it would be trivial thing, but seems
so far it is not.

I was just thinking that if it would be our application code I would be
able to debug through all of the related code and see if there is the
culprit or not.

We suspect it has somethign to do with specific data on the rows. because
some of them delete perfectly fine. This happens in this one database only.
I've done backup restore for it, I ran gfix stuff on it. I even pumped the
data in empty DB.

it should be problem of database structure (trickers and such), data or the
Firebird. and most likely it problem of first two.

I was just thinking that is there an tool I could see step by step all the
operations in the DB before the foreigh key error is raised. So I could
step by step see the order the trickers and so fires and what they do.

Or if someone at Firebird project could check if it is indeed the Firebird
bug. I think we could send the DB, if it he/she keeps it safe and keeps it
secret :) 

- - - -

This is slightly scary. We dropped the FK and created it back again and it
works like a charm. And friend checked that foreign key from the System
tables and it seems to be exactly same.

So could this be the bug or issue in firebird after all?
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