On Tue, 1 Aug 2017 11:49:42 +0200 Slavomir Skopalik wrote

> Hi,
> will be possible to extend firebird installation by SQL stored 
> procedures that will solve common problems?
> It will be like UDF (let say in directory SQL), and every one can 
> include/use this SQL like fbudf.

It is a great idea. I'm sure I'm not the only one to have developed a
few SPs over the years that might be useful. However, it needs
someone to organise it, curate the contents and create QA tests to
verify that the stored procedures work correctly with each new release.
It is not too much work, but it does require commitment if the
intention is that these procedures should ship with Firebird. Bit rot
can set in very quickly if no-one is around to maintain code.

Perhaps the first step would be to create a github project to allow
people to contribute. 


Paul Reeves
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