BTW - why not use snapshots? Currently they pass same tests control as releases. Review tests result and if nothing critical present - fill free to work with snapshot. For stable releases snapshots are pretty stable.

I'm not so brave to install snapshot into production environment.

Now we using FB2.5 for production and development. For testing we are using FB3.

Back to original topic, I don't believe that is right time to drop support for FB2.5.

Nobody suggest that. But please distinguish between support and new features. Developing new features limited with old version is not good idea.

Discussion was about naming convention.

There are three things:
1. Already developed (we have more, but have to be polished before commit)
2. Will be developed but for FB2.5 (sorry, but I will not deploy snapshot to customers)
3. FB3 related things

I don't see here any problem.
Who have a SQL already developed SQL for FB2.5, may add it (must be compatible with FB3). Who needs something new for FB2.5, also can add it (also must be compatible with FB3. Who already using FB3 can use use FB2.5 or can add FB3 related (without FB2.5 compatibility).


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