So I guess that as long as the string is < 32K and you are not using a segmented blob then it is OK to use SQL_VARYING and not the inline blob facility.

On the subject of limits, IBatch does seem to have a silent limit that I am still exploring. I was comparing the time taken to insert 100000 rows using single inserts and the Batch interface. Using the Batch interface, only 4061 records were written the table, even though 100000 were added (IBatch->add).

The number 4061 was confirmed from both a read back after commit and by checking the IBatchCompletionState which reported both processed and updated 4061.

4061 seems an arbitrary number. My original test table was declared as

Create Table LotsOfData (
    RowID integer not null,
    theDate TimeStamp,
    MyText VarChar(1024),
    Primary Key (RowID)

and on changing this to

Create Table LotsOfData (
    RowID integer not null,
    theDate TimeStamp,
    MyText VarChar(512),
    Primary Key (RowID)

I was able to successfully write 8083 rows. I guess that there is some memory limit that is being hit, and the max mumber of rows that can be added depends on the size of each buffer added to the batch.

The problem I have is that this is a silent failure. I am checking the status vector returned by each IBatch->add, and no problem appears to be reported.

Should I report this as a bug?

On 16/07/2021 13:50, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
On 7/16/21 12:39 PM, Tony Whyman wrote:
I have recently added support for the IBatch interface to IBX and the good news that it all appears to work fine. However, I am still puzzled by why inline blobs exist.

For as long as I can remember, Firebird has allowed you to over-ride the input metadata SQLType to any other type that can be converted to the actual column type. For example, SQL_BLOB to SQL_VARYING. You can then pass a relatively short blob string as an SQL_VARYING (character id to OCTETS for binary, and otherwise as appropriate) and with no need to go to all the hard work of actually creating a blob,etc. I assume that it is on the server side that the string gets written into blob storage and would not expect it to be otherwise.

In all my testing, passing blob text as SQL_VARYING works fine for both normal update/insert operations and for batches using IBatch. So I am puzzled as to why the IBatch inline blob exists. What am I missing?

In some field one can have typically small blobs, but some of them may be bigger than maximum string size (btw, 32K is also not too big object currently). If you use segmented blobs it's also problematic to send them to server in appropriate form using strings.

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