
I am far from the hope that text after translation will be immediately ready for publication, definitely it will require proof-reading (and here additional funding will be good too).

However, we need to manage our expectations, let me explain using Helen's comments as example:

>Statement parentheses? BEGIN and END are block delimiters.

We have used InterBase Language reference as a source of terms for translation. BEGIN and END are not referred there as block delimiters - there is only "object delimiter" term. Actually, there is no clear term associated with BEGIN END, neither in InterBase documentation, nor in Microsoft SQL.
if you suggest, we can use "block delimiter" term for BEGIN END.

In the original Russian text there is a term which is directly translated as "operator parentheses", which is commonly used in Russia (and, as "operator parentheses", exists as English term). With this version of translation I had a note from translator that he thinks that "operator" is better in this context, but since we strongly suggested to change "operator" to "statement" earlier, he changed it too. I understand him - this is a bit too cruel to expect from translator to understand such details.

So, text should look like this:
Each block of statements must be put within the operator parentheses BEGIN and END

Not very good? Fine, then something like this:
"Each block of statements must be put within block delimiters BEGIN and END."

However, to demand it from the translator we need to provide this information (how to name BEGIN END) in some form (glossary?), to create association between "operator parentheses" in Russian and block delimiters.

>"All statements except the BEGIN…END blocks must be separated by a semicolon.." >- terminated, not separated.

"Separated" is also used in InterBase Language reference in the following 

"Within a trigger or stored procedure, statements are separated by semicolons"

So, if somebody expects that raw translation will be better than InterBase or Microsoft documentation... it will be a big disappointment. It will not, because it cannot be.

Translation will take several iterations, and the most important thing is to find translator with adequate response and ability to improve their results and collaborate with our community. Good starting level is important too, of course.

Alexey Kovyazin

At 08:17 p.m. 21/11/2014, Alexey Kovyazin wrote:
Hi All,

I have submitted your feedback to translators, and they provided new version

Please review it and let's decide - should we give these guys a chance
or need to turn to another?
It's really hard to say.  The English in this sample is marginally better but 
the text has several mistakes, e.g. (and these are not all of them)

"If a DML statement (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.) contains named parameters, then 
these parameters must be either declared beforehand in the DECLARE VARIABLE statement or must be 
present in inputs or outputs of the PSQL module. ***Each named statement must have a colon 
(":") in the beginning***, but this is not mandatory for INTO statements. The same holds 
true for the EXECUTE PROCEDURE statement which is used for launching stored procedures."


"Each block of statements must be put within the statement parentheses BEGIN and 

Statement parentheses?  BEGIN and END are block delimiters.
If the whole of their work is like this, the result would need some pretty 
close editing before being approved and released for translation into other 

"All statements except the BEGIN…END blocks must be separated by a semicolon.."
- terminated, not separated.

I'm in negotiations with another company for test translation too, it
should be ready next week.
Definitely I think we need to consider an alternative, if only to demonstrate 
that another translator choice could be worse!


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