On 17-12-2016 23:46, Paul Vinkenoog wrote:
> Mark Rotteveel wrote:
>> Isn't it time to consider migrating the documentation repository from
>> SourceForge CVS to GitHub?
>> SourceForge itself considers CVS deprecated, and having the repository
>> on GitHub might increase visibility and will likely lower the barrier
>> for contribution.
> No objections here, but does anybody have any experience with this kind
> of migration? (Preferably including history.)

I migrated Jaybird from CVS to Subversion and then to git (GitHub). The 
migration from Subversion to git was facilitated by GitHub, but their 
tooling does not support CVS. However the tool I used to go from CVS to 
Subversion also has a variant to go to git.

Mark Rotteveel

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