On 02-05-2020 18:50, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
02.05.2020 19:17, Mark Rotteveel wrote:

1. How useful would it be to migrate old release notes (Firebird 2.5 and earlier)? Without migration, fixing any XML issues in those documents doesn't seem to be a good investment of my time.

I'd leave them untouched.


2. The release notes apply different naming conventions for the files (*.docbook vs *.xml). Renaming these to the normal convention (and switching over to using XInclude instead of entities), might cause merge conflicts. What is a good moment to rename and edit these files for Firebird 3 and Firebird 4?

For FB3, doing it now (or in May in general) is OK to me. For FB4, please wait until Beta 2 is published.

I updated the Firebird 3 release notes.

While going over the documents, I noticed some PDF rendering issues with callouts (note, caution, etc). If a callout contains a list, and its spacing is not "compact", then the callout block is rendered too small and the the text overflows out of the block.

The workaround is to set spacing="compact" for the list. As far as I can tell this seems to be a result of the docbook-xsl update I did earlier.

Mark Rotteveel

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