Mark Rotteveel wrote:

>>> I tweaked the font size a bit:
>> The font size is exactly the same as before (I kept the screen snapshots 
>> from last week).
>> I'm just talking about the main text and the nav pane here, didn't check the 
>> others.
> I didn't change the font size of the navigation pane, but there is a 
> difference in the size of the main body text (1em instead of 1.0625em), 
> compare with 
> or see this image: 

OK, I understand now. With such small differences, it depends on screen 
resolution and
other factors whether the different point sizes translate to different 
on-screen pixel sizes.
In my case, the letter height remains the same (11 px for caps, 8 for lower 

However, comparing fblangref25.html to fblangref25-oldsize.html, I do see that 
the width
of some letters is 1 px less on the newer one, and letter spacing and word 
spacing are
definitely less. (And the line spacing as well, but only marginally so: 26 px 
instead of 27.)

On you comparison image, another font is used and I can clearly see the height 

So let's leave it at that!

Paul Vinkenoog

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