On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 21:53, Douglas Tosi<dougla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is the test results by version:
> 2.1.1: OK
> 2.1.2: OK
> 2.1.3 RC2: FAIL
> 2.5.0 beta 1: OK
> 2.5.0 beta 2: FAIL


> The error is being thrown by the server. Apparently, the error is
> raised whenever it touches the blob.
> If the client is changed to use any charset other than NONE the error
> disappears.
> The charset for the monitoring attachment (where the error is raised)
> makes no difference.
> The first call to FbDataReader.Read calls FbCommand.Fetch() and then
> Version10.GdsDatabase.ProcessResponse() throws the error.

Yes, this is more or less first place we're dealing with errors from server.

> Do you think this maybe a bug in the engine?

Hard to say. Definitely worth investigating. Do you have a way to
reproduce the bug so I can check it with engine guys?

Jiri {x2} Cincura (CTO x2develop.com)
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