On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 00:19, Marvin Cook <marv.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am using the following connection string:
> client library=D:\Work\RVWeb\RVWeb\
> fbembed.dlll;initial catalog=D:\Work\RVWeb\RVWeb\RVWEB.FDB;server
> type=Embedded;user id=SYSDBA;password=masterkey
> I am getting a: "operating system directive CreateFile failed" error.  The
> paths are correct.  What am I doing wrong?

The user under the application is running doesn't have Create Global
Objects privilege.

Jiri {x2} Cincura (x2develop.com founder)
http://blog.cincura.net/ | http://www.ID3renamer.com

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