Hello Group,


  Thanks for letting me join.  I have one customer for my income and am 
semi-retired.  I am a long time user / sys admin of Firebird 2.7.1 and I need 
to migrate this version from a Windows Server 2003 OS to a newer Windows Server 
2016. It is on a VMware server and has been for many years. Admins say 2003 is 
not being supported soon, same MS generated obsolete and no support message but 
the domain admins want to upgrade it.    I know there are always issues but for 
base compatibility,  will this new OS work?  Any information on compatibility 
between Firebird versions and Windows server OS would be most welcome.





  • [fireb... 'm...@spectrumpacsold.com' m...@spectrumpacs.com [firebird-support]
    • R... Pól Ua Laoínecháin lineh...@tcd.ie [firebird-support]
      • ... 'm...@spectrumpacsold.com' m...@spectrumpacs.com [firebird-support]

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