Hi again,

yes, the variables.css is a normal file and is located in omni.ja,
which is actually a renamed ZIP file. omni.ja is located within your
Firefox installation directory under the 'browser' directory (at least
under Windows).
It can be edited and repacked.

Having said that, I just mentioned it, because maybe you or someone
feels up to provide a patch. I'm currently too busy with answering
questions related to Firebug and the DevTools and other things that I
don't find the time to do it myself. Though I assume it shouldn't be
too hard to do it, it just needs to pass the review.

The last working combination of Firefox and Firebug is 48 or 49, I think.


On 17 February 2017 at 01:43, Lawrence San <lawrence...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Sebastian. Your link to  variables.css opens what seems like a
> standard CSS file.
> However, I spent a lot of time searching for the local copy of that file on
> my Mac and couldn't find it -- not even inside the Firefox application. (On
> the Mac, most applications are really "packages" that can be forced open to
> reveal the inner files that comprise them.)
> Finally I found this page that goes into some issues about customizing the
> FF dev tools. It turned out that the file (equivalent to variables.css) I
> was looking for is called omni.ja -- a compressed Java file. One tip for Mac
> users: on my machine, it wasn't exactly at the location shown on that web
> page, because I keep my applications in the global /Applications/ directory
> rather than in the user-account ~/Applications/ directory.
> I haven't duped and unzipped the file yet, because I'm not used to working
> with Java files, and because my experiences with customizing the FF
> userChrome.css (as that page suggests) went sharply downhill after Australis
> came along -- creating more problems than it solved. However, I probably
> will experiment with it. I'd love to hear from anyone who has already gone
> this route (for customizing the DevTools UI) -- especially if you've done it
> on a Mac -- before I start hacking around with it.
> On another issue, regarding the Firefox API that broke the Firebug
> console...  I'm probably going to "freeze" my FF + FB installation at some
> point, since Mozilla is en route to breaking all my essential dev extensions
> anyway. Using MultiFirefox, as I mentioned before, I can run one older setup
> for development only (including Firebug etc) and another current setup for
> secure general browsing purposes. (A pain in the ass, but I can't think of a
> better approach.) Can you tell me what was the last version of Firefox that
> completely supported Firebug without breaking anything? I assume I can dig
> up that older FF either from some online archives or my own backup archives.
> Thanks much as always!
> Lawrence
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 3:32 PM, Sebastian Zartner
> <sebastianzart...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Lawrence,
>> On Monday, February 13, 2017 at 8:39:43 PM UTC+1, San wrote:
>>> I've been trying to get used to the DevTools, and there are parts of it I
>>> even like, but I can't get used to its console. As I've written before,
>>> ordinary log text appears in orange, and error text in black, the opposite
>>> of what it should be. All my experiments have failed to unearth the reason
>>> for this, the bug reports accomplished nothing, and the orange is hurting my
>>> eyes.
>> I agree that orange for normal messages is a poor choice. Unfortunately, I
>> currently can't do more than ask you to provide your input on bug 1269730.
>> It looks like the DevTools team currently has different priorities and I
>> don't have enough time to contribute a patch for it.
>> I assume it's relatively easy to fix this, as it mainly means to change
>> some CSS. If you or somebody else want to help, the color for the messages
>> is defined in the variables.css file (note the three places for the three
>> different themes).
>>> Firebug still works (for the most part) on my system -- including the
>>> various tabs -- except for the Firebug Console. It remains blank no matter
>>> what I do; it doesn't display any log text at all. I vaguely remember that
>>> the DevTools console may preempt the Firebug console, but even if I turn off
>>> the DevTools and reload the page, the Firebug console remains blank. I am
>>> quite familiar with the Firebug console and the different settings that
>>> might affect it (which tabs and settings you enable, etc); they don't have
>>> any effect. It's still blank.
>>> If anyone has an idea why my Firebug Console won't display any log text,
>>> I'd be interested to hear.
>> It looks like an internal Firefox API changed and broke Firebug's console
>> output. A quick look at the Browser Console shows this:
>> TypeError: ConsoleAPIListener is not a constructor
>> chrome://firebug/content/console/console.js:149:38
>> Sebastian
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