Dear Andrei, John, and colleagues,

The relationship between information and the material world was correctly described, I believe, some ten years ago, by Rolf Landauer, the chief scientist at the IBM Watson laboratory in New York. In several seminal papers he insisted that all information is physical. In his words, “Information is not a disembodied abstract entity; it is always tied to a physical representation. It is represented by engraving on a stone tablet, a spin, a charge, a hole in a punched card, a mark on paper, or some other equivalent. This ties the handling of information to all the possibilities and restrictions of our real physical world, its laws of physics, and its storehouse of available parts.” (Physics Letters A 217, 1996, p. 188.) When information is exchanged between two objects, as in a measurement, there is, necessarily, a transfer of some physical thing. I would note that all physical objects are composed of quanta and all quanta carry energy. So, according to Landauer, and many scientists who have read his work, the correspondence of information with the experienced, physical world is definite.

Michael Devereux

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