-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto:         Re: [Fis] Curious chronicle (msg. from Jacob Lee)
Fecha:  Wed, 21 Jul 2010 12:49:20 +0200
De:     Rafael Capurro <raf...@capurro.de>
Responder a:    raf...@capurro.de
Para: Pedro C. Marijuan <pcmarijuan.i...@aragon.es>, fis@listas.unizar.es >> "fis@listas.unizar.es" <fis@listas.unizar.es> Referencias: <4c3c3ae4.8000...@aragon.es> <20100713064753.12536drvrdist...@www.cbl.umces.edu> <4c44674d.7030...@aragon.es> <aanlktind9fkdc3trkvsin5umfbyzljhtcvp8gv62i...@mail.gmail.com> <4c458ec2.3040...@aragon.es> <4c46bd07.6030...@aragon.es>

Dear Pedro,

remember also Ortega's famous essay "El origen deportivo del estado" where he celebrates sport as a biological activity going beyond the Darwinian perspective that looks at life from anutilitarian perspective of adaptation and survival and compares it with the clown and the Greek god Pan and his playful and luxurious cosmic activity. According to Ortega, the evolutionary change from non-organized horde ("horda informe") to tribal organization means giving primacy to the young men who look for the women of other tribes and with it to war, discipline, authority and ascetism ("askesis"=exercises and self-control). This "young men club" is the origin of exogamy, war, autoritarian organization, discipline, law, cultural association, dancing/carneval and secret society! The origin of the state is neither the worker nor the intellectual nor the priest nor the dealer but the lover, the worrier and the sportsman. Social institutions as the "file" or the "fratria" and the "hatairía" in Ancient Greece preceeded the organization of the "polis" and are related to sport and war. Later in the Roman society we get the corporation of the "salii" (meaning to spring or dance) closely related to the god Mars, and the "con-sules" as the ones who "dance together".
See also this short contribution by Tomás Bolano:

And... yes, we need "social grooming" as a kind of non utilitarian and luxurious activity probably also to de-stress the brain.

It is not clear to me when and why social complexity evolves into chaotic complication blocking organic and social processes (such as a foul in soccer etc.). I am sure that there are mathematical models for this. Maybe sports and wars can be "explained" in an evolutionary way in which humans look for forms or structures of "playing together". I know that this terminology is morally (and socially) problematic.

best regards


(msg. to FIS from Jacob Lee)

Richard Sipes' classic study found a direct correlation between
combative sports and violent or war-like societies:

SIPES, RICHARD G. 1973. War, Sports and Aggression: An Empirical Test of
Two Rival Theories . American Anthropologist 75, no. 1: 64-86.

At 08:12 PM 19/07/2010, Stanley N Salthe wrote:
Has anyone suggested the function of contact sports to be the 'moral
equivalent' of war.  Many young men requires this kind of excitement
because of their hormone mix.
Apparently societies with less contact and competitve sports also
tend to be less violent. My source: E.O. Wilson, On Human Nature,
chapter on aggression. That doesn't defeat the connection of an
alternative, though, in constitutionally more violent societies.


Professor John Collier colli...@ukzn.ac.za Philosophy and Ethics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4041 South Africa
T: +27 (31) 260 3248 / 260 2292       F: +27 (31) 260 3031

Professor John Collier, Acting HoS                  colli...@ukzn.ac.za
Philosophy and Ethics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4041 South Africa
T: +27 (31) 260 3248 / 260 2292       F: +27 (31) 260 3031

Stanley N Salthe escribió:
Has anyone suggested the function of contact sports to be the 'moral equivalent' of war. Many young men requires this kind of excitement because of their hormone mix.


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