

        Dr. Steven Ericsson-Zenith
        Institute for Advanced Science & Engineering

On Feb 16, 2011, at 12:51 PM, wrote:

> Dear Pedro and Friends,
> It is rather fascinating to observe - scientifically, without vested interest 
> - that an initiative such as this one, devoted to information, is continually 
> accompanied by its loss. Previously discussed subjects, such as the existence 
> of alternative logics that speak directly to issues of process structure, 
> identities and diversities, are often not given even a passing reference. In 
> the absence of any mechanism that might "automatically" call attention to 
> this fact, one is forced either to silence, which is also a loss of 
> information, or to repetition, which requires energy that might be better 
> expended otherwise in debate.
> I know that Pedro has been and still is struggling with the archives and 
> their indexation. All I can suggest is that all of us make a particular 
> effort, as we make our comments, to search the archives to give some minimum 
> recognition of and to prior effort. The objective is not its acceptance, but 
> to insure a dialogue in which no theory or position is given, actually or by 
> implication, any unjustified exclusivity or universality.
> Thank you,
> Joseph 

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