Hi All,

the talk here going about a possible curriculum, I have assembled one. This
is of course only an outline but should give a realistic idea about the
half-steps needed to grasp what we understand under "information". I'd look
forward working on this project. Asking for your kind tolerance, I present

Curriculum (15 hrs) Additions

Requirements: able to program and manage data sets

Aim: understand ordering, reordering, spatial structures, consequences

 Part I.: Tabulating


   We use a collection of additions: We use {1+1..16+16}, a≤b; Why 136

   Sorting and sequencing: (The meaning of the term ‘sequence’ in the
   sentence ‘The DNA is a sequence’); assignment of i (1≤i≤136); creating
   linear distances; partitioning 136; homogenizing sub-intervals; kinds of

   Resorting from SQab into SQba and back: Terms place-space (a
seq.no1..136 is a place in a 1-dim space); place changes; moving
   (example in classroom, games); properties of chains (1,1 stays, 1,2 stays,
   1,3 travels: 18 steps); Table (=data set) T (T_άβ_γδ_i_j_placeάβ_placeγδ,
   where άβ from, γδ to, i-th chain, j-th step, this example T_ab_ba_3_1 3 4)

   Creating a plane by rectangular axes: example SQab, SQba as axes. Follow
   movement. Discuss terms string, loop, convoy, melody, tact, beat

   Additional aspects of a+b=c: central: u=b-a; two shadows: b-2a, a-2b;
   create 2b-3a, 2a-3b; (mention costs of commutativity), just for fun

   Sorting on aspects a thru w: presently in this sequence, later play with
   changing sequence of first-level arguments; generate 72 SQs, assemble Table
   1 (81 cols, 136 rows)

   Identical sequences and clans: of a clan, the first we encounter is the
   chief, the others use his name as alias but give weight; Vector V:
   if(SQάβ=SQγδ, .t., .f.); if(V[άβ,γδ], member of a clan, reorder); fill up
   Table T

   Overview of resorts: Table S, S_άβ_γδ_i_J, where άβ from, γδ to, i-th
   chain, J no of steps, this example T_ab_ba_3_1 3 18); carry_a (=Σa); goods
   in transit

   Standard resorts: Properties; (6+11=17 as the quintessential magical
   incantation); names; weights (clans); three-somes

   Building space: Rectangular axes; planes;

   The concept of a point in space: two exact subspaces; one rough estimate
   of a space; (the loss of an accounting property); units of three-somes;
   Representation as a triangle, center of triangle: mass point in space;
   rotating the axes; volume included, spherical or rectangular
   representation; goods transited thru this segment

   Connection to other points: isolator and conductor (if(.exist.Δγδ
   (triangle) in chains connecting each of 3 points of Δάβ), conductor,
   isolator); not each of 3 points connected: too near .or. too far;
   telekratic effects

Part II.: Sequencing


   Permutating first-level arguments a…w: cause and effect within an
   interdependence; implicated orders; ties

   The idea of time: basic to sequencing, predecessor, successor;
   demonstrating effects of sequence changes; linguistics as mediator (Table
   V, number of .t., sequence of comparisons)

Part III. Giving names


   Mass, space, density, electric-magnetic, gravity, temperature, chemical
   valence: always check with established authorities before assigning a name

------------- end curriculum ------------------

2011/12/11 Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>

> Hi John, Hi Fis-people
> On 11 Dec 2011, at 13:49, john.holg...@ozemail.com.au wrote:
> Thanks Walter,
> A useful snapshot of PC (Philosophy of Computing). It reminds me that the
> origin of the word 'computing'   is com-putare = to consider together,
> suppose together, imagine together. This is surely what Steve Jobs was all
> about. To reduce computation to algorithmic calculation or even Turing
> machines is as restrictive as limiting information to data and documents,
> messages and codes. After thirty years of phronesis wrestling with data
> documents and computers it would be nice to know what computation and
> information mean.
> It might be restrictive at the epistemological level, but not necessarily
> at the ontological level. All mathematical notions, like infinities, sets,
> provability, definability, etc. can be diagonalized again. They cannot have
> a universal representation. But computability and computations are immune
> to diagonalization. This makes it the concept the most explanatively closed
> we have ever found. I think. This gives a conceptual deep argument in favor
> of Church thesis, and it leads also to the notion of universal machines.
> Those machines can not only compute the same class of all (partial or
> total) computable functions, but can all simulate each other, computing
> those functions in all possible different ways.
> Actually, an interesting and vast class of universal machines (those who
> knows, in some technical sense, that they are universal) can defeat any
> theory concerning their own behavior (they can practice diagonalization),
> making their epistemologies beyond any normative or effectively complete
> theory. It makes computationalism (the doctrine that there exists a level
> where we are Turing emulable) a vaccine against reductionist conception of
> machine (and man).
> I am Bruno Marchal, mathematician, and I met Pedro and Plamen in Paris
> some month ago. Although I am agnostic on the truth of the computationalist
> hypothesis in the cognitive science, I am interested to study the mind body
> problem in that frame. With the computationalist hypothesis, computer
> science and mathematical logic becomes handy tools for formulating deep
> questions.
> In fact I have a deductive argument that computationalism and weak
> materialism (there exist an ontologically primary physical universe) are
> incompatible. I have shown that computationalism reduces (in my french PhD
> thesis in computer science) the mind body problem into a body appearance
> (to universal numbers) problem in number theory.
> Physics would not be the fundamental science, and we might have to
> backtrack to Plato, or even Pythagorus' conception of reality. Physical
> reality becomes somehow the border of a universal mind (the possible
> universal machine dreams, or the effective set of all computations seen
> from inside. The "seen from inside" can be defined from the modal logic of
> self-reference, which exploits that immunity for diagonalization, and the
> fact that machines can be "aware" of that fact.
> The following two papers sum up the main results and questions needed to
> solve to proceed:
> http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/publications/SANE2004MARCHALAbstract.html
> http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/publications/CiE2007/SIENA.pdf
> Unfortunately the longer version of those works are in french (they can be
> found from my URL below).
> This might perhaps put some light on the difficult question of what is
> information. Like infinite, and like almost all in-# notions, that notion
> might not have a definitive definition, especially *information* which
> walked from syntactic definitions (Shannon) to semantical one (knowledge).
> Computation is only one mode of information i.e. information AS cognitive
> process. Perhaps the only way out of our definitional impasse is to adopt
> the third option of the Capurro trilemma - plurivocity. If we can stop
> thinking linearly and start to think like a Dharma Wheel with all the
> different emergent modes of information arranged as spokes (having their
> expert spokespersons) each having equal validity with ignorance at the
> fulcrum, then we can move towards a viable transdisciplinary model for info
> which has hitherto evaded us. Nonlinear thinking has been the great driver
> of the computing and Internet industries.
> I agree.
> Best,
> Bruno
> http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/
> On Fri Dec 9 2:55 , walter.riof...@terra.com.pe sent:
>  Dear all,
> It is possible find some useful ideas to build multi-inter-trans
> disciplinary approaches in last “closing statement” of Ubiquity Symposium:
> What is Computation?
> What Have We Said About 
> Computation?<http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=1967046&type=pdf&ip=>
> If you are interested in all papers of this ACM Ubiquity Symposium:
> http://ubiquity.acm.org/symposia.cfm
> Sincerely,
> Walter Riofrio
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Walter Riofrio
> Researcher; Complex Thought Institute Edgar Morin – University Ricardo
> Palma, Lima-Peru
> Chercheur Associé; Institut des Systèmes Complexes – Paris 
> Île-de-France(ISC-PIF)
> Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology
> Email: walter.riof...@iscpif.fr
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> On jue 08/12/11 06:25 , John Collier colli...@ukzn.ac.za sent:
>  Good to see that fis perspectives are used in teaching. I use information
> ideas fundamentally in our second year Cognitive Science course, and also
> in some postgrad courses I teach.
> John
> At 03:03 PM 2011/12/07, Pedro C. Marijuan wrote:
> Thanks a lot, Gordana. It is a very good idea. Unfortunately I could not
> participate in the opening of the session,  well, at least I can say now
> that I had the experience of teaching for Engineering graduate students two
> neatly informational ("FIS") disciplines. One of them, Bioinformation:
> informational analysis of living systems; and the other Science,
> Technology and Society: an introduction to the informational history of
> societies.  Both of them in Spanish. They were very successful,
> particularly the latter. The FIS perspective is ideal not only for breaking
> down on "impossible topics" (our familiar demons) but also for promoting a
> new, highly original way of analysis --of knolweldge recombination
> processes-- on topics of our time and of the most contentious past.
> missing a lot the direct involvement in the discussions!
> yours,
> ---Pedro
> Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic escribió:
> Hi All,
> One way of looking at the question of curriculum would be from the point
> of view of what already exists
> of education in the Foundations of Information.
> Are there any courses which might be a part of such a curriculum?
> To start with I can tell about the course I have, which does not cover
> much of Science of information, but there are several connections.
> As I work at the computer science department, my perspective is
> computational.
> For me computing is information processing and information is that which
> is processed, and that which is a result of processing.
> Processing may be done by a machine or by an organism or anything else –
> the whole of nature computes (processes information) in different ways.
> As info-computationalist, I believe that information is unthinkable
> without computation.
> So the course is on Computing and Philosophy but addresses Philosophy of
> Information and Science of Information as well and topics on evolution of
> life, intelligence (natural and artificial), consciousness, etc.  
> <http://www.idt.mdh.se/kurser/comphil>
> http://www.idt.mdh.se/kurser/comphil
> I believe it would be good to have a course on the foundations of
> information science for people in the computing.
> Information and computation are completely entangled! And this gives also
> an opportunity to introduce other fields into computing, to contribute to
> building bridges and
> facilitating inter-disciplinary/ cross-disciplinary/ trans-disciplinary
> learning.
> This is not as ambitious as the original question, but can help
> understanding where we are now and where we want to be.
> Best wishes,
> Gordana
> http://www.mrtc.mdh.se/~gdc/
> From: fis-boun...@listas.unizar.es [ mailto:fis-boun...@listas.unizar.es] On
> Behalf Of Stanley N Salthe
> Sent: den 5 december 2011 20:53
> To: fis
> Subject: Re: [Fis] Discussion of Information Science Education
> And it could feature in 'Science for Non-Majors' courses as well.
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Guy A Hoelzer <hoel...@unr.edu> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I agree with those who are suggesting that Information Science makes sense
> as a widely useful way to think about different scientific disciplines
> even if we don't have a strong consensus on how to define 'information'.
> I think there is enough coherence among views of 'information' to underpin
> the unity and universality of the approach.  Perhaps Information Science
> is less a discipline of its own and more of a common approach to
> understanding that can be applied across disciplines.  While I can imagine
> good courses focusing on Information Science, it might be most productive
> to include a common framework for information-based models/viewpoints
> across the curriculum.
> Guy Hoelzer
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> --
> -------------------------------------------------
> Pedro C. Marijuán
> Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
> Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
> Avda. Gómez Laguna, 25, Pl. 11ª
> 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
> Telf: 34 976 71 3526 (& 6818) Fax: 34 976 71 5554
> pcmarijuan.i...@aragon.es
> <http://sites.google.com/site/pedrocmarijuan/>http://sites.google.com/site/pedrocmarijuan/
> -------------------------------------------------
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>  ------------------------------
> Professor John Collier
> colli...@ukzn.ac.za
> Philosophy and Ethics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4041 South
> Africa
> T: +27 (31) 260 3248 / 260 2292       F: +27 (31) 260 3031
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