Loet, your criticism is very accurate, thanks. But I really think, as said
Jorge, that our sociality has to have a fairly stable structure, that is to
say, lower and upper limits that "feed" our mental wellbeing. It's not
fixed, of course, but individuals become integral embodiments of emotions,
and most of the active components of these emotions reside in our social
environment. Evolutionarily we have developed this social dependence, and
therefore the absence of such bonds, or the feeling of not having them, is
devastating to our health --both physical and mental, as emphasized by
numerous studies.

Dear Raquel: 

Expectations of social structure are extremely stable without
materialization. For example, the expectation of the rule of law. These are
anchored/reflected in codes of communications. One does not have to appeal
to a "global brain". It seems a mystification to me. 

Of course, the social expectations when codified leave footprints behind in
the form of institutions. For example, courts and parliaments as places
where one enacts the rule of law.




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