BlackBerry de movistar, allí donde estés está tu oficin@

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry LR Chandler <>
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 10:37:32 
To: Pedro C. Marijuan<>
Subject: FIS, Weekly posting frequency.


Just a small suggestion about the rules for posting to the FIS list serve.

Personally, I find the current constraint of two posts per week is so 
restrictive that it makes a conversation very difficult.  It necessitates long 
delays, during which time, one looses interest in the topic.  (We are flooded 
by a plethora of new ideas!)

I feel that the value of the list would be enhanced by permitting three or even 
four posts per week.

I would suggest that you consult with other members about this issue.

You may post this message to the list serve if you wish.



On Nov 3, 2014, at 5:09 AM, Pedro C. Marijuan wrote:

> Dear Marcin and colleagues,
> Many thanks for the sympathy and for the suggestion. I think your proposal is 
> quite in the spirit of the fis initiative. Maintaining the academic code of 
> conduct should be the First Rule of the list. The Second Rule, as is well 
> known, says that only two messages per week are allowed. And the Third Rule, 
> should be about clean posting. I mean, in order to placate the susceptibility 
> of the server filters the messages should be addressed only to fis, 
> exclusively, (a few other addresses might appear in the "cc", but the lesser 
> the better), and not dragging old messages at the bottom is strongly 
> recommended... Additionally, we have a fis steering committee (integrated by 
> Yixin, Krassimir, Shu-Kun, and myself) that can arbitrate in contentious 
> cases where the First Rule should apply.
> Let us forget the present incident; always clarifying that FIS list is 
> completely open to criticisms, first on fis itself, and also addressed to any 
> other school or doctrine, either contemporary or from the past... knowing the 
> opinion of "contrarians" is as much important as knowing the opinions of the 
> IDEAS. By the way, there is an important work on "social physics" (but 
> arguing from the information flow point of view) by Alex Pentland that in my 
> opinion establishes the very foundations of "SOCIAL INFORMATION SCIENCE"--it 
> is a pity, and possibly  an error (?), that this author has placed his 
> exciting research under the banner of physics.
> best wishes ---Pedro

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