Well, Karl, it still takes some reading of what I have written to find 
important points of agreement as well as disagreement. In my 2008 book I noted 
that /both/ commutativity and distributivity should not be required in 
descriptions of real systems:

In LIR, since no individual term is an identity, that is, unconnected to other 
terms, one has the same relation as that between a term and the context that 
perturbs it. Both the commutative law of standard logic, (a + b) + c  =  a + (b 
+ c) and the distributive law between conjunction and disjunction               

do not hold. Any applicable formalism is, accordingly, non-Abelian and 
non-Boolean respectively, and the resulting probability distributions are 
non-Kolmogorovian. The detailed mathematics remain to be worked out for the LIR 
description of reality values as ‘probability-like’[1]. 
[1] These values are like objective probabilities which do not indicate limits 
of knowledge, but are about the properties that things objectively have.

I feel that no notion of real use can be clear and concise. The elements of 
logic are not 'tokens', a term that conveys something inert, lacking its own 
dynamics (ability to change). There are, as I hope we could agree, details of 
reality also lost in the use of your 'sequencing' tool.

You could help to resolve the issue with one simple comment: to what complex 
processes does your approach NOT apply? 

Thank you.

  ----- Original Message -----  
  From: Karl Javorszky 
  To: Joseph Brenner 
  Cc: Terrence Deacon ; fis ; John Collier ; Gyorgy Darvas ; Bob Logan ; Andrei 
Khrennikov ; raf...@capurro.de 
  Sent: Friday, November 04, 2016 9:43 PM
  Subject: Re: [Fis] Is quantum information the basis of spacetime?

  Well, Joseph, you don't have to go far to get the desired definition of 
information as an operator (produced quantity).

  The only prerequisite is to be ready to discard the practice, ideas, 
philosophy and ideology of the definitions relating to commutativity.

  This is heresy, I understand. On the other hand, time may now have come to 
face up the truth. We see that (a,b)->c is different to (b,a)->c. We have 
learnt that this obvious difference is to be disregarded. We wish the clearly 
visible difference away so we get a picture of the world which is easier to 
work with. Of course, if I say that it makes no difference whether a or b has a 
positional advantage /pace opinion research questionnaries/, I don't have to 
worry about the endless complications arising from the question, which was 
first, a or b.

  The system simplified as it is in use presently is not versatile, detailed 
and nuanced enough to allow for the introduction of words that describe the 

  One cannot explain trigonometry as long as the definition is in power that 
all triangles are to be seen in their unified variant and the proportion of the 
sides to each other is by definition irrelevant.

  Come the day you want to find a clear, concise, operator based tool to 
measure information content (based on properties of natural numbers), please 
look up my book Natürliche Ordnungen, available thru morawa or amazon etc.

  It is a completely new world out there if one stops thinking in a world made 
up by wishing away important details. There is power in them there sequences. 
No wonder Nature uses them in perpetuating life. Let us no more pretend 
commutativity is without alternatives. We have computers. We can keep track of 
the problems arising from actually observing and using sequential properties of 
logical tokens. That one can explain what the term "information" amounts to is 
just one of the discoveries one makes while using the tool of sequencing.

  Do look it up. It has been made for your use. 


  On 4 Nov 2016 18:06, "Joseph Brenner" <joe.bren...@bluewin.ch> wrote:

    Dear All,

    I agree with the consensus I see emerging. Andrei shows the problem of 
trying to pin down a complex process with a single term - information. And I 
agree with Rafael that information must have a valence. On the other hand, as 
such, information cannot be completely defined mathematically, pace Karl, any 
more than anything living can be.

    It is discouraging to see how reductionist theories like 'It-from-Bit' get 
reproduced and disseminated by Scientific American, which used to be a good 
journal. One cannot simply ignore the reactionary sub-text of such 'science', 
even if a product of the "Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics".

    One could say rather that quanta, not quantum information, are the basis 
for spacetime. At the sub-quantum level, I think we have already said that 
whatever the way in which energy is exchanged, nothing is gained by calling it 
information. (We may make an exception for the case of non-locality defined by 
Bell inequalities.) 

    The only nuance I would add is that although we can speak of biotic and 
Shannon information (better, today, Shannon-Boltzmann-Darwin as in Terry's 
explication), the properties of information_as_process have not been completely 
described. I would like to see the concept of information as an operator, 
causally effective because of its being energy, explored further.

    Thank you and best wishes,


      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Rafael Capurro 
      To: Bob Logan ; Andrei Khrennikov ; Gyorgy Darvas ; John Collier ; fis 
      Sent: Friday, November 04, 2016 3:47 PM
      Subject: Re: [Fis] Is quantum information the basis of spacetime?

      Andrei, maybe the concept of message as already used by Shannon and 
Weaver in specific engineering contexts (this must not be always the case) is 
more appropriate and also able to speak about 'information' as what is 'in' a 
message 'for' a receiver. Best. Rafael

        Hello Andrei - I am with you - sharing you sentiment. Information only 
pertains to living organisms and entails some signals that help them make a 
choice. A black hole makes no choices - it is ruled by the laws of physics. 
Abiotic systems have no information. A book is a set of signals that a reader 
can convert into information if they know the language which the book is 
written. A book written in Urdu contains no information for me other than this 
appears to be a set of signals that contains information for a reader in the 
language in which this book was written. Who reads a black hole. How does it 
contain information that makes a difference. When we launch a satellite to 
orbit the earth we do not say that the sun is informing the satellite how to 
behave. The satellite is just following the laws of physics. It has no choice 
and so it is not being informed. There are many different forms of information 
(biotic and Shannon as found in the 2007 paper Propagating Organization: An 
Inquiry by Kauffman, Logan et al. in Biology and Philosophy 23: 27-45)      so 
we do not need to complicate things even more by ascribing the laws of physics 
as the communication of information. 

        Robert K. Logan 
        Prof. Emeritus - Physics - U. of Toronto  
        Fellow University of St. Michael's College
        Chief Scientist - sLab at OCAD 

        On Nov 4, 2016, at 4:17 AM, Andrei Khrennikov 
<andrei.khrenni...@lnu.se> wrote:

             Dear all, 
        I want to comment so called information approach to physics, by 
speaking with hundreds of leading experts
        in quantum foundations, I found that nobody can define rigorously the 
basic term "information" which is so widely 
        used in their theories and discussions, the answers are as "information 
is the basic entity" which cannot be defined 
        in other terms. Well, my impression is that without novel understanding 
and definition of information all these "theories" 
        are practically empty, well very good mathematical exercises. May be I 
am too critical... But I spent so much time by trying 
        to understand what people are talking about. The output is ZERO.

        all the best, andrei        

        Andrei Khrennikov, Professor of Applied Mathematics,
        Int. Center Math Modeling: Physics, Engineering, Economics, and 
Cognitive Sc.
        Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden
        My RECENT BOOKS:

        From: Fis [fis-boun...@listas.unizar.es] on behalf of Gyorgy Darvas 
        Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2016 10:23 PM
        To: John Collier; fis
        Subject: Re: [Fis] Is quantum information the basis of spacetime?

        The article describes very really the conflicting attitudes. 
Interesting to see the diverse arguments together.
        I agree, some think so, some do not. I do the latter, but this does not 
make any matter.

        On 2016.11.03. 19:52, John Collier wrote:
        Apparently some physicists think so.


        John Collier
        Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Associate
        Philosophy, University of KwaZulu-Natal

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Prof.em. Dr. Rafael Capurro 
Hochschule der Medien (HdM), Stuttgart, Germany
Capurro Fiek Foundation for Information Ethics 
Distinguished Researcher at the African Centre of Excellence for Information 
Ethics (ACEIE), Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, 
South Africa.
Chair, International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE) (http://icie.zkm.de)
Editor in Chief, International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) 
Postal Address: Redtenbacherstr. 9, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
E-Mail: raf...@capurro.de
Voice: + 49 - 721 - 98 22 9 - 22 (Fax: -21)
Homepage: www.capurro.de


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