okay, Bruno.Otto

      From: Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>
 To: fis Webinar <fis@listas.unizar.es> 
 Sent: Sunday, February 5, 2017 3:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [Fis] A curious tale and QBism
Hello Hans,
On 02 Feb 2017, at 16:32, Hans von Baeyer wrote:

Thank you Pedro for mentioning my new book. 
Actually, there is a connection between my book and the curious tale.  QBists 
look at the future as a web of interlaced personal, numerical probability 
estimates, with no certainties anchored in REAL mechanisms.  The probability 
that CERN will blow up the world is small enough to be negligible for most 
people, but not for all.  The thing QBists reject as in principle unattainable 
is ABSOLUTE certainty, which many lay people and some physicists (Einstein was 
among them) continue to long for.

I am not absolutely certain about this. (grin).
Nor am I sure that Einstein defended absolute certainty (an epistemological 
notion). He defended determinism (a metaphysical or theological notion), which 
is neutral on what human or other creature can know, believe, know-for-sure or 
predict, .... 
If we discard, like Feynman, the reduction of the wave postulate in quantum 
mechanics, we come back to a purely deterministic physics, but this does not 
enforce *any* certainty for any human, at least concerning physical prediction.
I tend to think that in the tiny "constructive" part of arithmetic (known as 
sigma_1 arithmetic: it allows only existential quantifiers), we can have 
something akin to certainty. It is hard to doubt that 3+4 = 7, for example, or 
that it exists some number n such that n + 4 = 7.

Hans Christian von Baeyer
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