> help for

It opened browser window... I don't need browser, I need quick and
easy way to access basic syntax what does inline help in bash. It's
console app after all!

> man for

Not really good: the default PAGER is 'less' which doesn't fully
comply with 'quick and easy'. Well, if to trim NAME section and quick
description ('for - perform a set of commands multiple times.') and
output with 'cat' it will be almost like 'help' in bash, but:

> PAGER=cat man for
fish: Unknown command 'PAGER=cat'. Did you mean to run man with a
modified environment? Try 'env PAGER=cat man…'. See
the help section on the set command by typing 'help set'.

I recall, that I've read something about "fish doesn't like
subshells". Well, it's good to set variables inside pipes: I like
that! But, here I want quick and easy way to use temporary settings.
Ok, let's try what error said:

> env PAGER=cat man for
No manual entry for for

OMG, what was that?? It set PAGER and forgot all other variables? I
guess, it executed '/usr/bin/env' which is not related to any shell
and behaves how it wants, thus not a good method. I just want a
subshell here with a quick and concise:

> PAGER=cat man for

And it is kind of cumbersome to add 'env' here (even if it worked)...

Btw, if someone is interested, I decided to look at 'fish' because of
course 'bash' scripting is horrible! And the fact that 'fish' supports
var-change hooks was a signal to start examining it. But such basic
and simple failures give wa-ay too much no-go. The interactivity of
'fish' is not really good. Well, by interactivity I don't mean all
these traffic-light colors and popping stuff (which frankly don't add
good impression) but simply 'what you type and what you get'...

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