Luca Barbato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Josh Coalson wrote:
>>>Probably a version check could help.
>> how about this logic:
>> if cpu is ppc
>>   if as exists
>>     if as is apple version
>>       use as
>>     else if as is gnu version
>>       use as to assemble but src/libFLAC/ppc/gas directory
>>     else
>>       no asm
>>   else if gas exists
>>     use gas
>>   else
>>     no asm
> Seems working to me

That looks fine to me as well. However, the best solution is something which
Luca suggested a few months ago, which is to use the functions defined in
altivec.h. These are C functions which map directly to Altivec machine
instructions. I am willing to help out, but I don't find the current lpc_asm.s
very easy to follow, and my time is quite limited (my last patch to a free
software project took almost three months to get into decent shape!).

It would help to hear from Chris, I think.

>> could you also send me version strings for your versions of
>> as/gas for whatever combination of PPC,OS that you have?

Mine is the same as Luca's.



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