I'm not sure that I understand your goal. In a browser setting, I would think 
that you want to decode a stream, not a file, because streaming should have 
less of a memory impact. The reference decoder is a file decoder, so you 
probably don't want to port that. I don't think that there is a reference 
streaming decoder, so you'd need to write your own using the libFLAC or 
libFLAC++ routines.


On Jan 20, 2015, at 10:14 AM, Rainer Rillke <ril...@wikipedia.de> wrote:
> After compiling opusenc.js to JavaScript [1], now the flac tool is also 
> available [2][3], too.
> s/Check out/Clone/ https://github.com/Rillke/flac.js !
> I am slightly nervous about its license, the GPL and what CloudFlare is 
> doing: It's melting a lot of content together into one file (but not the flac 
> tool's code which is loaded separately) and adding JavaScript that doesn't 
> appear to be GPL or compatibly licensed -- by any chance, is there a 
> possibility to get an exception (e.g. LGPL license) for JavaScript versions? 
> It's also an issue to what happens in proprietary browsers, or more 
> specifically in browsers with proprietary JavaScript VM, when they optimize 
> code and insert custom assets. In theory, users of them can't abide with the 
> licensing terms and use the tool online[5]. Advice welcome.
> Another thing is the flac website[4] being GPL licensed, too. Of course one 
> may quote from it; however things would be easier if it would be dual 
> licensed, with something, say cc-by-sa 3.0 in addition.
> Another issue that literally kills browsers is the static union of buffers in 
> flac's src/flac/decode.c  which is commented with "WATCHOUT: can be up to 2 
> megs" and this ends up as zero byte characters in a "memory initialization 
> file" Emscripten creates[6]. This file is then, together with something else 
> huge from analyze.c (I guess a variable of type "subframe_stats_t"), around 
> 2.8 MiB. This is not a big deal for desktop browsers. GZIP compressed and 
> quickly transmitted -- all no problem. But on mobile browsers, this causes 
> them to run out of memory and they simply crash. Any idea how I could avoid 
> that? Yeah, obviously I could drop decoding and analysing support (is there a 
> command line switch for making the flac tool w/o decoding support btw?) ...  
> looking for something that does not contain "drop support for" :)
> Finally, thanks for the great free tools, Xiph.
> -- Rillke
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