I'm all for making plugins and updates to FB but if this is a huge upgrade you might want to submit your feature requests to labs.macromedia.com first. They released FB2 as alpha so that the Flash community could talk about what needs to be added. I'm not sure how open MM will be about this but you can ask them if they have this feature in the plan IMHO.


Spike wrote:

On 10/27/05, Mike Britton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Not totally sure what you mean by that...
Map symbols to classes via some kind of package explorer wizard: if you
create a movieclip in Flash, it goes into the Flash Library as a symbol.
When you right-click this new symbol in the Library and choose
you'll see a wizard in which you can associate the symbol with an
actionscript class. It would be nice to have the same capability in this
hypothetical Library plugin for Eclipse, only you can surf to the class
choose it instead of having to write 'com.arp.blah.blah...'.

ok, I think I see what you mean now.

I'll wait and see what happens when Flash authoring gets update for AS 3 and
Flash 8.5. My understanding is that everything will be a class and that
symbols won't really exist any more.

I can look at picking apart .swc files and seeing how much of that I can
display. I did that already for the Flex 1.5 framework, so I know quite a
bit about what's going on in there, it's just a question of how much it's
changed since then.

2. Import existing Libraries from Flash and maintain symbols' package
Existing libraries in what format?
A designer creates a new Flash file and creates the visual interface.
arranges his native Flash IDE Library, naming symbols and such. A
then goes into Eclipse and from this hypothetical plugin can import that
native Flash Library.

ok, in what format is the library saved from the Flash IDE?

.fla, .swf or .swc

.swc is by far the easiest to deal with, but that doesn't help if there are
.swf files inside.

It will be possible to run an instance of the flash player inside the
library plugin, so that would allow display of .swf assets.

.fla files would be the trickiest of the lot and I'm inclined to say that
it's probably better not to bother since they need to be turned into either
a .swf or .swc to use them in a project anyhow.

There may be issues with components/EULA.
yep, will need to look into that
This is keeping people from sharing source and that is bad. Can't they
open source the components? Come on! (Bangs fist on keyboard.)


Yeah, dammit!

and while they're at it, I'll have a copy of the flash paper source so I can
sort out this text table problem I'm struggling with.

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