I haven't used Flex yet and I know little more than of it's existance.

I'm pretty accomplished with Flash/AS 2.0 OOP, classes, custom UI components, JSFL, etc. and I'm happy using MX 2004 Pro. I guess I'd classify myself as a programmer by desire and a designer by necessity.

My question for the Flex people is this, what does Flex bring to the table that I can not already do with 04 Pro (not counting the new AS 3.0)?

I understand Flex is suppose to have something to do with rapid application development through the use of it's components. What's wrong with the UI components in Flash? How do these differ?

I want to dive into Flex which will probably happen in the next week or so when my current projects finish. I want to know what to expect. Am I looking at a new way of developing basically the same swfs? Will I be able to do things I currently can not?

It seems I keep reading that the programmers will gravitate towards Flex and the designers towards Flash.

Maybe a couple of the Flex people can help me try and wrap my head around the "why". It's all a bit fuzzy to me at the moment.

Lastly, what's the deal with purchasing? I see Flex Server listed as a product but no IDE listed as a buyable product. Does the IDE come with the server? Is that what Eclipse is?


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