Jester, that's not a bug. The two statements ' var <something>' and
'<something>=' are totally different things.

'var <whatever>' is a declaration. Which you can tack a handy assignment on
to the end of ( = something), because it's always good to initialise your
variables when you declare them. But the main purpose of the statement is to
declare the variable.

'myVar = <whatever>' is different - it's an assignment of a new value to a
variable which has already been declared. You can't change the type of a
variable during an assignment, so putting ':<something>' after the variable
name is meaningless.


On 10/31/05, JesterXL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Finally, there is a bug in Flash MX 2004 & 8; you can't datatype like
> this:
> myVar:Number = 42;
> but you can do this:
> var myVar:Number = 42;
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