I am not smarter than you, oh no! Delegate's smarter than us, and AS3 is King!! (problem solved in the future)

I am simply declaring a variable in the class which refers to the class itself. This frees me from the scope trap (using this with 'onLoad') :

public function handleXML () {

public function parseXML (url:String) {
        xmlDoc = new XML();
        xmlDoc.onLoad =handleXML;

public function init(url:String) {
        var owner = this;

by doing this, I guarantee myself that this variable will be available to every object of the class. Its scope is the class. Now, when you assign handleXML to xmlDoc.onLoad, you mainly transfer the method's owner (from the class to the xmlDoc object). By using 'owner', I can target back my class without any problem...

I may be off tracks ;)


Why? haha, sorry, but to me it looks like you just added var owner = this just to avoid putting trace(this) for no reason other than avoiding to use "this". What's the specific reason you did that? I'm guessing you're smarter than me :)

- Andreas

Cedric Muller wrote:

this is logical: you assign handleXML function to 'xmlDoc.onLoad' handler which means that 'handleXML' belongs to xmlDoc from now on ...

In such cases, I do the following:

class ParseXML{
   private var xmlDoc:XML;

   private function handleXML(){
   function ParseXML(url:String){
       var owner = this;
       xmlDoc = new XML();
       xmlDoc.ignoreWhite = true;
       xmlDoc.onLoad = handleXML;

2. What the hell is going on with "this" here

class ParseXML{
   private var xmlDoc:XML;
   private function handleXML(){
   function ParseXML(url:String){
       xmlDoc = new XML();
       xmlDoc.ignoreWhite = true;
       xmlDoc.onLoad = handleXML;

"trace this" in this case traces out the xml doc. Is this because onLoad = handleXML declares the scope of handleXML as being the xmlDoc? Sometimes the onLoad = functionReference; syntax weirds me out. I tend to go for the onLoad = function(){ more specific functionality here } method

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