Success won't be down to just ease of development or features, it will
depend on backing from early adopters. Most sites that you'd think would
benefit form an RIA (banking, shopping, auctions etc.) are still using
fairly old (read reliable) set ups. They are more IA's than RIA's - sure
we're seeing a few mapping tools and webmail apps using flash, ajax and
even java applets ( - best mapping tool going) but most
serious apps where people are spending money are done the old way.

Watch Google, Amazon, Ebay, and Yahoo (a macromedia partner so
it's fairly easy to guess where they're going to go).

It'll also depends on the backing of developers and designers - Flash is
so ubiquitous now thanks to lots of designers thinking 'cool' and then
tagging a really annoying intro to the front of a site (remember eye4u
anyone?) - it got the player out there. 

Ajax won't go away, neither will Flash, as for Sparkle and Flex2? Who
knows - they both sound so promising but that means nothing.


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