I've been creating MXP files all morning - without any problems.

All of the sudden, when creating MXPs from MXI files, the components are
being installed with the name "component".

I haven't changed anything (been using an identical version of the same MXI
(adding tiny edits for use with all the components), I''ve looked for
errors, I've restarted Flash a bunch of times, etc. I can't see why this is
happening beyond some strange Flash 8 IDE bug/Extension Manager thing.

Has anyone else experienced something like this?

A sample of my MXI XML below:

name = "Display Component"
version = "0.1"
type = "flashcomponent">
<author name="Eric E. Dolecki" />
<product name="Flash" version="8" primary="true" />

SO strange. I'm hoping this is temporary.

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