
It's quite strange/funny/having_no_sense for me, but in fact
component's name of installed component is the name of (!) movie clip
symbol in the library BEFORE converting to a component.
I have experienced the same thing several times.

So, if you  "have been creating MXP files all morning", you've
probably use one fla as a base and just Save as..
The solution is to rename movie clip in the duplicated file (or
library) and only after this convert to component.

BTW, "name" from MXI appears (maybe, I've not checked it ;-) only in descr at 
MM Exchange.
Strange that MM haven't fixed it in Flash 8 (I'm still using MX 2004).

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

>  eric dolecki wrote:
> I've been creating MXP files all morning - without any problems.
> All of the sudden, when creating MXPs from MXI files, the components are
> being installed with the name "component".
> I haven't changed anything (been using an identical version of the same MXI
> (adding tiny edits for use with all the components), I''ve looked for
> errors, I've restarted Flash a bunch of times, etc. I can't see why this is
> happening beyond some strange Flash 8 IDE bug/Extension Manager thing.
> Has anyone else experienced something like this?
> A sample of my MXI XML below:
> <macromedia-extension
> name = "Display Component"
> version = "0.1"
> type = "flashcomponent">
> <author name="Eric E. Dolecki" />
> <products>
> <product name="Flash" version="8" primary="true" />
> </products>
> <description>...
> SO strange. I'm hoping this is temporary.
> edolecki

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