I posted this on my blog (http://www.leifwells.com), but I thought I'd
try giving the Flashcoders list a shot at this, too.

We are trying to get a tool tip to work with a DataGrid component. And failing.

The project we are doing is a rather complex AS 2.0 project, so I
created this rather simple AS 1.0 version as a stand-alone example of
our problem. (you'll note that the "setInterval()" and
"clearInterval()" calls are commented to prove that they are not the

The FLA file with the code (below) can be downloaded at:

THE PROBLEM: when you roll over the text in the cell a "itemRollOut"
event is getting fired a "itemRollOver" is also fired -- that's when
the cursor changes to the i-beam cursor.

For instance, if you test the FLA file and you move your cursor over
the area to the right of the "price" column, you'll see the tool tip
pop up just fine. But then try moving your cursor over the price or
the name. Keep moving it across the text. What a mess!

If anyone has experience with this issue or has issues with the way
that we are trying to accomplish this, feel free to shout.

dataGrid_dg.setSize(300, 100);
dataGrid_dg.move(5, 5);

trace_ta.setSize(300, 200);
trace_ta.move(5, 110);

clear_pb.move(5, 320);

var clickListener:Object = new Object();
clickListener.click = function()
        trace_ta.text = "";
clear_pb.addEventListener("click", clickListener);

var dgNameColumn:mx.controls.gridclasses.DataGridColumn= new
var dgPriceColumn:mx.controls.gridclasses.DataGridColumn = new

dataGrid_dg.getColumnAt(0).width = 200;
dataGrid_dg.getColumnAt(1).width = 100;

dp = new Array();
for(var i:Number = 0; i< 25; i++){
        //_root.dp.push({name: "MMMMMM", price: "$9.99"})
        dp.addItem({name: i + " M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M",
price: "$9.99"});

dataGrid_dg.dataProvider = dp;

var rowRollOver = new Object();
rowRollOver.itemRollOver = function(event_obj:Object)
        var name:String = event_obj.target.getItemAt(event_obj.index).name;
        traceText("itemRollOver: name: " + name);
        if(name != undefined){
                var xvar:Number = event_obj.target._x + 10;
                var yvar:Number = event_obj.target._y + ((event_obj.index + 1) 
* 20);
                var tt_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                tt_fmt.font = "Arial"
                        _root.createTextField("toolTip_tf", 10000, xvar, yvar, 
20, 20);
                        toolTip_tf = _root.toolTip_tf;
                        toolTip_tf.border = true;
                        toolTip_tf.background = true;
                        toolTip_tf.backgroundColor = 0xF9FCEC;
                        toolTip_tf.autoSize = true;

                        toolTip_tf._x = xvar;
                        toolTip_tf._y = yvar;                           
                toolTip_tf.text = name;
                //toolTip_tf.embedFonts = true;
                toolTip_tf._visible = false;
                //_root.toolTipInterval = setInterval(showToolTip, 2000, 

dataGrid_dg.addEventListener("itemRollOver", rowRollOver);

rowRollOut = new Object();
rowRollOut.itemRollOut = function(event_obj:Object)
        var name:String = event_obj.target.getItemAt(event_obj.index).name;
        if(name != undefined){
                traceText("rollOUT: " +

dataGrid_dg.addEventListener("itemRollOut", rowRollOut);                

function showToolTip(tt)
        traceText("showing ToolTip");
        tt._visible = true
function removeToolTip()
        traceText("removing ToolTip");
        toolTip_tf._y = -100;
        toolTip_tf.text = "";
        toolTip_tf._visible = false;

function traceText(str:String)
        trace_ta.text += "\r" + str;
        trace_ta.vPosition = trace_ta.maxVPosition;

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