You're loading an outside jpg into Flash. The player needs a moment not only to load the entire image, but also to parse/convert/love the file and display it in Flash. It shouldn't take a full second for this happen, but can take anywhere from one to a few frames (depends on image size, number of images, etc).

Simply write a basic loop, based on holderClip._width, that loops until the width is no longer 0. This should be a separate loop/test from .getBytesTotal since you want to be sure its actually fully loaded first before you lock up your app in this kind of loop.


On Dec 8, 2005, at 9:42 AM, Mike Boutin wrote:

Can anyone tell me why when I call the displayImage() function after I fully loaded, and try to get the _width and _height of holderClip, it comes back as zero. But if I wait 1 second after the load and run the displayImage() function through the button click, it then finds the width and height.

#include ""
var num:Number = 1;
var space:Number = 20;

function loadImage(){
   //holderClip._alpha = 0;

   this.onEnterFrame = function(){
       var lvBytesLoaded:Number = holderClip.getBytesLoaded();
       var lvBytesTotal:Number = holderClip.getBytesTotal();
       var percent = (lvBytesLoaded/lvBytesTotal)*100;
       if (lvBytesLoaded == lvBytesTotal) {
           trace("Image" + num + " loaded.");
           delete this.onEnterFrame;

function displayImage():Void {
   //Image is not loaded.
   var w = holderClip._width + space;
   trace("Image width: "+holderClip._width);
   trace("Image new width: "+w);
   var h = holderClip._height + space;
   trace("Image height: "+holderClip._height);
   trace("Image new height: "+h);
   //Fade in Image / resize border
   holderClip.tween("_alpha", 100, 2, "easeOut");
   border.tween("_width", w, 1, "easeOutElastic");
   border.tween("_height", h, 1, "easeOutElastic");
myButton.onRelease = function(){
//Start it up!
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