
I attempting to create a mc, then attach a textField via composition, instead of extending the movieClip class. Could someone point out what I missed?

A Simple hello class
that assigns a custom
message to a text field
based upon time of day.
class com.bushidodeep.Hello {
        private var width:Number;
        private var height:Number;
        private static var textFieldDepth:Number = 0;
        public static var message:String = "Hello It's Me";
        // Movie clip that will contain visual
        // elements of the hello.
        private var container_mc:MovieClip;
       public function Hello() {
container_mc = target.createEmptyMovieClip ("messageDisplay", 1);
        private function placeGreeting() {
        private function displayGreeting() {
container_mc.createTextField("messageText", textFieldDepth, 200, 100, 250, 125);
                container_mc.messageText.text = "test";
                container_mc.messageText.border = true;

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