Hey Jayson,

It sounds like the only problem with your algorithm is the periodical errors
it runs into, where it breaks the html. If you put some elbow grease into it
you could write a serious algorithm that analyzed the tag that was being
evaluated for the cutoff point, and, if it were within a tag that would
break if it was truncated at that point, then, you could truncate at the
highest level tag, or, substring the point of entry of the parent tag and
cut to the point of truncation (I have no idea if such a word exists.).

Here is an example of what I'm describing:

'<font face="Verdana" size="9" color="#222222"><b>hello</b><br> a little
text here, a little text there <b> die <br> <i> and have a nice day

Lets say we evaluate this string to split in half, a reduction of 50
percent, but doing this would clearly break the html, correct? So, in the
algorithm, there is an array variable that stores the opening tags of all
the tags it's within. You can then cut the string at the cut off point, take
the array of opening tags and prepend them to the string so that the html
stays intact.

So, cutting the string in half looks like this:

're, a little text there <b> die <br> <i> and have a nice day

the html would break.
In the example, the array would look like this:

['<font face="Verdana" size="9" color="#222222">']

it's the only tag the index is within, so you would take the array, join it
using '' and prepend it to the beginning of the string:

'<font face="Verdana" size="9" color="#222222">re, a little text there <b>
die <br> <i> and have a nice day </i></b></font><br>'

you can even add a little '...' string for the sake of legibility:

'...<font face="Verdana" size="9" color="#222222">re, a little text there
<b> die <br> <i> and have a nice day </i></b></font><br>'

I hope I'm making sense, nonetheless, good luck.

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