TIP: If you hit "New Mail" in your emailer and paste the mailing list address in, then you'll start a new thread and will be visible to other readers. (On this note you actually hit "Reply" to a conversation titled "htmlText + rollover", so only people looking at uncollapsed threads will even seen see your subject line or my reply.) Summary: Hit "Reply" when replying, "New" when new... increases your visibility.

Gerry Creighton wrote:
I searched the list for this info but didn't find anything. Does anyone know when the Flash 8.5 player will be available for Linux. I recently launched a site that requires
Flash 8.0.22 and I've had a couple inquiries from some linux users.

No date estimated yet, although more info on Linux Players is here:

(The comments to Tinic's blog were apparently a campaign target... lots of "me too!" posts mixed amid the actual conversation.)

For background info on what makes Linux so difficult for compact, predictable multi-media engines, see Tinic's post from last summer:


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
Weblog: http://weblogs.macromedia.com/jd
Aggregator: http://weblogs.macromedia.com/mxna
Technotes: http://www.macromedia.com/support/
Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.
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