I'm having a problem creating an Alert window instance which renders in a layer depth above all other stage elements.

The Alert window consistently renders behind some other programatically instantiated movieClip elements. When creating the Alert, I've tried setting the parent parameter (using Alert.show()) to an element which is a subclass of the UIComponent class which is attached to a movieClip on a layer way on top of all other layers in the movie, but the problem persists. The Alert window is centered within this element fine, but it appears beneath it and other elements.

Perhaps at the root of my problem is a misunderstanding of the parent parameter of the Alert.show() method. The documentation refers to this as the "parent window" which "must be a subclass of the UIComponent class" or "the _root timeline." Is the Alert window depth truly inherited from the parent?

Is there some method in the UIObject class to change the object instance depth?

I'm using Flash 8, ActionScript 2.0.

Here's what my Alert instantiation looks like :

// test using simple button instance as parent
Alert.show("Start?", "Alert", Alert.YES | Alert.NO, _root.alertParent_mc.my_button, _global.myController.myAlertClick);
// same depth layering as:
Alert.show("Start?", "Alert", Alert.YES | Alert.NO, undefined, _global.myController.myAlertClick);
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