well, while it can't pause the player for breakpoints, it CAN

On 5/16/06, AJ Canepa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dan and John,

Thanks for your help.  I took a look at the Xray video tutorials.  It
seems like a great data inspection / manipulation tool, and I will
definitely use it on future projects.  Nice work John.

It doesn't have all of the functionality that I require from an
interactive debugger, though, so I can't really use it as a
substitute for the Flash debugger.  There is no way to set a
breakpoint or pause code execution, so there is really no way to use
it, for example, to debug issues during object model initialization;
examine the transaction data of a transient data set returned from a
web service; or trace the flow of control through a series of object
instances.  Most of the Flash I work with tends to have these

I have been working on a different set of classes within my same
project today, and was able to successfully use the Flash 8 debugger
without a crash.  That indicates to me that there is a specific bug
in the Flash 8 debugger that is triggered by specific code within my
project, because when I'm working in this other area of my code I see
reproducible crashes.  Now to figure out precisely what triggers this
bug.  I'll report here if I determine the cause.

Thanks again.

AJ Canepa
Runtime Logic

On May 15, 2006, at 6:13 PM, John Grden wrote:

> when trying xray, be sure to check out the basic videos on how to
> use it.
> It's very simple, but the videos can really get you going very quickly
> http://labs.blitzagency.com/wp-content/xray/videos/tutorials/
> indexFlash.html
> if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask ;)
> JG
> On 5/15/06, Dan Efergan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I haven't had the debugger crashing, but it tends to hang on the evil
>> beach ball (Mac) for what seems like infinity, if trying to do any
>> kind of intensive repetitive tasks (decompiling large amounts of XML
>> is always a killer).
>> Probably not that useful, as the exact same thing happened in 2004 as
>> well.  I usually tend to give up on the debugger for large projects
>> and start using too many traces.
>> You tried http://osflash.org/xray . Not much experience with it, but
>> might be a different way of getting in there.
>> Dan
>> On 15 May 2006, at 23:09, AJ Canepa wrote:
>> > Has anyone experienced similar issues with debugger stability under
>> > Flash 8?
>> Dan Efergan
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> John Grden - Blitz
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