Hey Marcelo,

You really touched upon a subject that I have issues with as well.

Unfortunately, it seems that the vast majority of OOP supporters out there are code purists to extreme extents. While the organization and extensibility that OOP provides is very helpful under specific circumstances; it can also serve to actually regress your abilities.

It's very easy to get into a mental feedback-loop of over-designing. Not every little project you make is going to warrant a full blown OOP solution.

Personally I love experimenting with code and I more-than appreciate the all-code approach (I tend towards full-code implementations myself). However, I have a lot of experience with visual art and graphic design as well; many complex styles and aesthetics exist that cannot be executed as efficiently through mathematics and code alone.

To answer your question more directly: Yes. It's perfectly OK to build animation in the timeline.

The all-code purist mentality that seems to pervade the upper-echelon of flash developers is not universally justifiable in my opinion. I can't remember what site exactly, but I actually read a blog the other day where the author was advocating that Macromedia get rid of the timeline and provide Flash as a code-only platform. I think many of us forget that flash is actually a platform for _animation_, not just for snazzy form-based "Rich Internet Applications". While Flash has evolved and its scope has broadened tremendously; old-fashion animation by hand is the only way to create certain effects. (And vice versa)


You might find some interesting information in the above links.

Best Regards,
Joseph Sorensen

Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
I´m working on a new RIA project that requires colorfull and smooth
animations, some of them are linear, some of them I guess are better created through scripting (random) - and here´s where I often find myself confused:
I used to be a "timeline" guy, but then after I learned OOP, I always find
myself trying to implement EVERYTHING through scripts. I would like some
advice on:

- Is it okay to build some animations using the timeline?
- What tools do you use to boost your productivity with Flash
animation/drawing (plug-ins, etc)?

Lately I have only been using ZigoEngine and Fuse for animations and while
it´s awesome at what it does, some animations I´m designing now are too much
complex and linear to be done through scripting... but then, it´s hard to
accomplish some of the effects I can easily add with ZigoEngine using the
Flash IDE...

Any advices are welcome!

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*Joseph Sorensen* / *Skyform* ©
Web Design / Audio Production / Photography
*Web:* aerosdesign.com/jsorensen
*Em:* jsorensen[at]aerosdesign.com
*Ph:* 815.276.9006
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