uh... you forgot the contact info.

ryanm wrote:

but I see very much job postings with "With a good knowledge of PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, XHTML, HTML, CSS, PERL, JS, SQL, C# etc etc..."

   I could answer that ad, couldn't you? ;-)

It's actually the part where they want all of those skills and the job only pays $30k that bothers me.

   Here's my sample job posting:

We're a small interactive agency woirking for top clients that we can't tell you about. It's a fun enviornment and we're like a big family.

Requirements: PhD in Physics, 10+ years experience in aerodynamics and aircraft design, 8+ years working experience with particle accelerators, a doctorate in divinity, familiarity with the layout of the human genome, and PhotoShop CS.

Pay: $23k

Oh, and we need you to relocate to Dubai.



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