Well I made some through the onMotionFinished but your app is fully dependent on all tweens having their opening job done, the app logic gets hidden inside a series of onMotionFinished wich you have to navigate through one by one.

For example I´m doing a CD where I have a lot of opening activity and only after it I set the menus and display containers

when I did it at first time I had just one function call


and as all actions were sequentially dependents, to understand what the app did it was necessary to go from one function after another till I got the last one ....

I was wondering about some colection or queue scheme where some animators objects ( object to be tweened, tweening properties ) would implement some interface and the complete animation chain would be achived in a FOR IN loop through the collection, am I missing something here ?

I´d  rather to invest more in code clarity than in some special tricks,

even working for some time with OO I still have preference to realize what the app is doing in some structured fashion,

maybe I´m overstressing it -)

thanks for your time ....

João Carlos

----- Original Message ----- From: "Zeh Fernando" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flashcoders mailing list" <flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] sequential tweens ?

Hi All,
I need some ideas how to workaround the following situation
I have na mc as an holder for some photoStrip >>>> this photoStrip has n photos as mcs in it >>>> I want to produce some tween over each one BUT the next tween should only begin after the previous has finished


Your best bet would be to use some better tweening engine that allows delays. That way you could fire all your tweens at once without having to worry about setting callbacks or other events when each tween is finished - you just give a increasingly bigger delkay for each photo. Not only this makes some clearer and more straightforward code, but you could even animate it in a way that the photos' tweening time intersect each other, without being dependent on chained events.

For this task I'd recommend mc tween, laco's tween, or the fuse kit. Any of them will do what you want, and there's probably a few more that I'm forgetting about.

You *could* do it with your onMotionFinished event. You'd need to setup a function that fires the animation, and each photo would have to fire the animation on the next one. It's simple, but it's awkward and counterproductive. And really, this kind of need is something that comes up so frequently when animating an interface that using a class or extension that supports delays instead is your best bet.

- Zeh
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