First thought: Could you store the user's custom settings in an LSO, then send them a screensaver exe (same exe for everyone), and then that screensaver reads the LSO and downloads whatever customizations are needed to render it as they specified in the "create screensaver" app?

Generating a custom exe for each person sounds difficult and maybe impossible, but there are probably ways around it if you can assume that your screensaver is running on a network-connected machine.


On Oct 12, 2006, at 11:49 PM, Martin Baltzer Hennelund wrote:

Hi all,

Hope someone has a solution to this issue.

I client of mine wants a 'create screensaver' feature on their flash
website. Based on some default flash template the user should be able to
customize it and finally download it as a personal screensaver.

In the old days I would use Generator to create and export the
customized swf - but it has been deprecated for since flash 6!? After
that step I would then need to convert the generated swf to a
screensaver/exe file on the server which finally can be downloaded by
the user.

The question is if that is possible at all and if so which
setup/software would I need. BTW I'm on a .Net platform if that matters.

Thanks a lot
Martin Hennelund
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