

If in ActionScript(2.0) I set the EmbedFonts property from a textField to true, 
I need to put the Font in the library with correct Export Linkage. Right?


But how can I make sure that special characters are embedded? I mean, if you 
select a textField on stage, you can embed the font + select which characters 
should be embedded. In the library this is not possible. As a result a French 
character like Πis not displayed. 


Even more strange. If I put a static textField on stage with Arial as font, the 
font is automatically embedded. Then Πis displayed.


But when I put Arial font in library with linkage “Arial”, suddenly Œ is no 
more displayed.


Can’t seem to understand this…



Lieven Cardoen
Application developer

interactive digital experience
engelse wandeling 2 k18 
b8500 kortrijk 


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