I'm assuming you're using AS 2.0 - inside WeatherManager.as:

class WeatherManager

  // private var to hold interval
  private var weatherTimer;

  // constructor
  public function WeatherManager()
    weatherTimer = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this,
changeWeather), 5000);

  // weather change func
  private function changeWeather()
    // change the weather

  // clear interval func
  public function cleanUp()

// hope that helps!

> I have done as you suggested and have created separate classes for the
> balloon, ball, scoreboard and clouds and this all seems to work fine. The
> design pattern is based on an Observer pattern where these separate
> objects
> register themselves as observers of a WeatherManager object.
> I have created a WeatherManager.as class that broadcasts any updates to
> the
> weather to the observers.
> Now I need to have the WeatherManager periodically change the weather
> conditions. I was thinking it should have some sort of internal timer and
> every say 5 seconds, it will amend the weather conditions.
> Not sure how best to create an internal timer - would I just use
> setInterval
> within the WeatherManager class? Or would it be better to create a timer
> class and have a loop to continually check this timer? I have had real
> problems in the past using setInterval in that they don't seem to clear.
> The game itself is time based and there is a time limit of 80 seconds so
> there will need to be a timer for this too. Not sure if best to use just
> one
> timer for dealing with both or just let the WeatherManager have its own
> timer and at the beginning of the game just start its timer and leave it
> to
> do its updates independently of the main game timer
> Any suggestions most appreciated
> Thanks
> Paul
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Weyert de
> Boer
> Sent: 04 November 2006 17:52
> To: Flashcoders mailing list
> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] OOP advice for game
> Yeah, I made a little game myself and use the classes FoodPiece, Snake,
> and GameWorld and SnakeGame. Meaning that SnakeGame handles all the
> stuff such as start/stop game, score counting. The GameWorld is
> responsible for all the drawing, and calling the update method of the
> Snake instance, which will then have dedicated code to update itself.
> Works nicely!
> Weyert
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