Hi, downloaded Flash, 1st post! w00t! need to work out a small project.  I
have experience in programming, not specifically OOP, and actionscript seems
to be very OOP.  I few questions:

I am loading up some XML per an example:
//ignore whitespace
XML.prototype.ignoreWhite = true;

//create variable and new XML Object
var external_xml:XML = new XML();

//variable loads external XML file

//trace if loaded, or not
external_xml.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
   if (success) {
     trace("xml loaded successfully.");
     var myXML = external_xml;
   } else {
     trace("xml failed to load.");


What I don't get, it why this needs to be in a function, my experice tells
me you use functions for things you may otherwise need to use again, either
putting the in a file elsewhere, whatever.  It makes no sense to me to
functionize the reading in of XML, why not just approach it procedurally?

And, as you can see, my trace(myXML); does not work, so how would I access
the XML data outside the function, is there a "local" keyword I am not

Finally, As for details on what I need to do, to start, as a way to learn
this, I want to get a trace of something to happen:

Load in this XML file:
<camps sport="Tennis">
    <state name="California" cc="3" url="a"/>
    <state name="Oregon" cc="13" url="b"/>
    <state name="Washington" cc="2" url="c"/>

I have that much working, I can not figure out how to access each item as of
yet, but did have a plan.  Of course, there will be 50 items in that XML

Each item eventually needs to be hooked up to a map, so each state can some
coloring based on the cc value, and if there is a value for a, I can take
them to that url.

I was going to iterate the XML, and create an assoc array, in which I could
then simply call out each state name, and hopefully get to its parameters.
I can then learn how to hook those  up to each state on the graphic file.

I wonder, do I even need the assoc array idea at all?

So, right now, I need to get myself in a case, where I can do something like
this: trace(xml.state.california[2]) and have it give me "a" back.  Assuming
0 based lists in ActionScript?  I know my trace statement above is making
you laugh, but as you know, I am hour 1 into this.

Thanks for any handholding.

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