I am creating a simple pong / breakout / arkanoid game in AS2 and not sure
how best to deal with the classes.

So far I have a Game.as class, a Paddle.as class and a Ball.as class.

I need to detect when the ball (or balls) collide with the Paddle.

My question is, which class should check for this collision?

Should the Game class do this or should I pass a reference to the Paddle
into the Ball class so the Ball is able to check this collision itself?

If it is the Game class, then I guess it is a case of giving both the Paddle
and Ball classes a method to return their current position and then letting
the Game class compare these positions to determine if a collision has

If the Ball class needs to have a reference to the Paddle passed to it, I am
not sure how this is done. So I would appreciate any advice on this.

I appreciate there are probably a lot of different solutions to this, but I
am trying to get off on the right footing with this OOP programming.

Many thanks


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