
Thanks Michael - that's an elegant solution.

Don't worry about the array name though - just a simplified example for the sake of the list.

Thanks again all.

T. Michael Keesey wrote:
Quite simple:

for (var key:String in myArray1) {
   if (myArray1[key][1] < 0) {
       myArray1.splice(Number(key), 1);

BTW, "myArray1" is not a great name for a variable ... why not
"scoreRecords" or "scores" or something? Also, storing different types
of data in an array is a recipe for confusions. The element arrays
would be better as objects, e.g.: {name: "A", score: -1}.Then the code
would be more readable:

for (var key:String in scoreRecords) {
   var record:Object = scoreRecords[key];
   if (record.score < 0) {
       scoreRecords.splice(Number(key), 1);

Or the whole thing could just be an associative array (i.e., hash object):

var scores:Object = {A: -1, B: -1, C: 0};
// ...
for (var key:String in scoreRecords) {
   if (scoreRecords[key] < 0) {
       delete scoreRecords[key];

On 12/21/06, Mike Cobb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm having a braindead moment today, which I was hoping someone could
help me with.

I have the following array...

//Create array with 5 elements
var myArray1:Array = new Array();
myArray1.push( new Array("A:", -1) );
myArray1.push( new Array("B:", -1) );
myArray1.push( new Array("C:",  0) );
myArray1.push( new Array("D:",  0) );
myArray1.push( new Array("E:", -1) );
myArray1.push( new Array("F:",  1) );
myArray1.push( new Array("G:",  0) );
myArray1.push( new Array("H:", -1) );
                        //name, score

...and I'm trying to remove all the elements in myArray1 with a score of
less than 0 without sorting/reordering the array at all.

I was trying to use a 'for loop', but obviously as the elements are
removed, the length of the array changes & causes the wrong elements to
be deleted.

Can anyone help?


Mike Cobb
Creative Director
HMC Interactive
Tel: + 44 (0)845 20 11 462
Mob: + 44 (0)785 52 54 743
Web: http://www.hmcinteractive.co.uk
Grosvenor House, Belgrave Lane,
Plymouth, PL4 7DA, UK.

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Please update your address book. Thanks.

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Mike Cobb
Creative Director
HMC Interactive
Tel: + 44 (0)845 20 11 462
Mob: + 44 (0)785 52 54 743
Web: http://www.hmcinteractive.co.uk
Grosvenor House, Belgrave Lane,
Plymouth, PL4 7DA, UK.

I've got a new e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please update your address book. Thanks.

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