Hello :)

try this code :

class Component extends MovieClip

     // constructor
     function Component()


     ///////////// Init AsBroadcaster

     static private var _INIT_BROADCASTER_ =
_global.AsBroadcaster.initialize( Component.prototype ) ;

     public var addListener:Function ;
     public var broadcastMessage:Function ;
     public var removeListener:Function ;


     public function onPress():Void

           // your code
          this.broadcastMessage( "onClick" , this) ;



If you want use a method inside the class... no problemo but now if you want
use a listener and a movieclip who extend this class :

var mc:MovieClip ; // the movieclip in the _root for example

// Inherit the custom class
mc.__proto__ = Component.prototype ;
Component.prototype.call(mc) ;

mc.addListener(this) ;

this.onClick = function ( target:MovieClip )
     trace( "click " : target ) ;

If you want a better solution .. you can use my openSource framework VEGAS (
http://vegas.riaforge.org/ )  and the package vegas.util.factory.. in this
package you can find the class DisplayFactory :


If you want test this class..

1 - download vegas

2 - install in your actionscript preference (in flash) the classpath of
vegas in AS2/trunk/src

3 - Test the examples in AS2/trunk/bin/test/vegas/util/factory :


You can use the composition pattern and not the extend pattern to control a
movieclip... in my framework you can use the DisplayObject AS2 class in the
asgard.display package.

EKA+ :)

2007/2/4, David Cohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hey all,

Is it possible to use a "class extends MovieClip" on a pre-existing
(authored) MovieClip?
I'd like to seamlessly do something like:

class blah extends MovieClip {

        public function blah() {
                this.onRelease = function() {
                        // handle release here

... but I can't see how to set this up (I'm using ActionScript 2.0,
but is there a 3.0 only solution?).

If not, what do people think is the most elegant way to handle this,

class blah {

        public function blah( caller:MovieClip ) {
                caller.onRelease = function() {
                        (blah instance).handleRelease();

        public function handleRelease() {
                // handle release here

...I'd like to make this as seamless as possible for the graphic


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