So how would one legally go about buying Adobe software in the US (by
legally I mean not from ebay)?  And r.e. the lack of european support or
upgrade, wouldn't you still be elligible for a US upgrade if you bought the
software from there?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ian Thomas
Sent: 29 March 2007 15:39
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] The great CS3 Swindle

Well - a telephone call from Adobe Europe (in the Netherlands) today.
A lovely Russian lady whose name I didn't get.

She tried to tell me the price difference was down to VAT rules - until I
pointed out that VAT is 17.5% over here, not ~80%.

As an aside, she pointed out that we in the UK pay slightly more for our
downloads because we pay Republic of Ireland VAT rates for downloads (21%)
as opposed to UK VAT on box product (17.5%). I'd noticed that the UK store
downloads were pricier than the box product the other day, and couldn't
understand it - that explains it. Doesn't have much bearing on the US/UK
gap, tho'.

Then she tried to be terribly reasonable, telling me that I could, if I
wished, buy the software from the States, but couldn't then have any
European support or European upgrades (hardly a problem).

I straightfowardly put it to her that it was simply about commercial
interests and that Adobe charged the UK prices that the UK would pay.
Which she agreed with.

Which means the only explanation is - because they can get away with it.


On 3/29/07, Ian Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've 'phoned the Adobe's UK office today and am told that someone from 
> the customer services management team will get back to me today to 
> explain it.
> So let's see what happens. :-)
> Me, I'm not holding my breath.
> Ian
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