>>For small projects using the WebServices panel is handy. For 
>>larger projects you probably should be using a framework
>>(ARP/Cairngorn) in which case everything is written in code.

Nah, I've been using Webservices in Flash for over a year now on large
RIA projects, and you certainly don't need a framework to do it.  Sorry,
I know those frameworks can be great, but they take an advanced coder to
learn how to use an implement. 

>>Does anyone user the Web 
>>Services panel 
>>in Flash IDE - is it worth learning about ?, or do you keep 
>>everything in code when connecting to services.

I would recommend you don't use the Flash WS component but use the
service classes and code to do it.  Much easier to debug and you'll
understand what's going on better, plus your code is centralized, not
part in actionscript, part in a component panel.  So I wouldn't
over-complicate the question by trying to throw a framwork in there.  No
offense. :) But hey, if you can learn to use something like Cairngorn,
more power to you certainly.

For example, off the top of my head, say with your SOAP webservice, you
are sending an array of fruit objects:

import mx.services.*
import mx.util.Delegate

var myWS:WebService = new WebService("http://myWebService.asmx?WSDL";);  
myWS.onLoad = Delegate.create(this, callMyWSmethod)

function callMyWSmethod()
    var myGetResult:Object = new Object();      
    myGetResult = myWS.getMyData();
    myGetResult = Delegate.create(this, myGetResultMethod)

function myGetResultMethod(result:Object)
  trace(result.fruit[7].name)  //traces "apple"
  trace(result.fruit[7].quantity)  //traces "45"

Jason Merrill
Bank of America  
GT&O Learning & Leadership Development
eTools & Multimedia Team

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